Wednesday, June 7, 2017

G.C.E.(O/L) Question Bank Developed by Northern Province

Teachers and students information

Here with I attached an spreadsheet. download this sheet.

Teacher and his/her teaching students details

To do the following task.
1. Fill your details as request.
2.Every Teacher who teach ICT subject need to fill separate workbook.
3.2019 AL ICT student's details not important now. But others are important.
4. Dead line date : 10-7-2017.
5.please fill all details with carefully, otherwise i unable to computerized properly.

I believe  you give best cooperation to me.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Quality Circle for ICT Teachers.

Dear all
Quality Circle for ICT teachers will be in T/Vipulananda College at 06-06-2017  from 2pm to 4pm. I kindly inform to you please participate without fail.